Guardian Home Contract for Dogs
Guardians can return the dog at any time for any reason and the guardianship contract will be terminated. Keep the dog well trained and healthy. The contract must specify who will pay for the medical expenses. Dog breeders use Guardian Families to ensure that their breeding dogs live a happy and healthy life as a pet of a loving family. Guardian families are much more humane than the alternative of puppy farms that do not provide the care and attention a dog needs for a happy life. Guardian families do not own the dogs in their care. The dog always belongs to the dog breeder. A guardian is a person who has signed a contract to care for the dog on behalf of its owner. The dog`s ownership will not pass to the guardian until the terms of this agreement are respected. Once the contract is fulfilled, the dog is yours. This could allow you to have an expensive breed that you could not afford otherwise. You can also get help with medical bills and other costs, depending on the agreement you make with the breeder. However, this is usually not the case, and most contracts make medical expenses and insurance the responsibility of the guardian family.
The dog breeder assumes the costs of breeding costs. Rebecca Creek Retrievers must have access to all Guardian Home dogs at all times for breeding purposes. Rebecca Creek Retrievers retains the breeding rights for each female puppy for a certain number of litters or the breeding rights for each male puppy for a certain number of years. When the term of the contract has expired, this puppy will be neutered or neutered at our expense and the registration documents will be transferred to the Guardian Home family. A typical contract requires up to 3 litters (in 5 years or less) for one and up to 6 years of service for a stud dog. A caretaker`s house is a variant of a common practice that has existed for many years, called “co-ownership”. Dogs in co-ownership usually belong to two like-minded breeders who wish to share lines and breeding services. Thank you for your interest in our Guardian Home process. If the dog dies accidentally due to circumstances beyond the control of the parent or guardian, guardians do not have to pay the breeder.
We will not tolerate families who cannot give us this communication and free access to their dogs. It is important to us that our breeding dogs lead a normal life with their own family, where they can receive proper attention and training on a daily basis. Have the dog bred for a certain number of litters or for a certain period of time. Breeding of most breeds retire at about four years of age, while males retire at about six years of age. We expect a lot from our Guardian Home families to provide the highest quality veterinary care, routine care and ongoing training to their dogs. Scroll down or click the button below to learn more. Allow the dog to access the breeding. This often involves keeping a reasonable travel distance from the breeder. A male breeding dog may be away from home for a week or more. may be at home with the breeder for several weeks or more, depending on the circumstances. In both cases, the custodian family usually has access to their pet during their stay with the breeder, although there may be some restrictions or restrictions.
We offer many incentives to our Guardian Homes families, e.B. help with food, care and training during the contract period. The following expectations of our caretaker`s houses are not suggestions, but requirements. We know that following this protocol gives us the highest success rate in litters of healthy puppies as well as the healthiest and strongest breeding dogs. Guardian Home families do not have breeding rights for their dogs. Rebecca Creek Retrievers holds the sole breeding rights to all Guardian Home dogs. From years of experience, we have developed a very specific protocol for the care of our breeding dogs. Many different factors affect reproductive success, including diet, exercise, and the environment. The exact requirements of a guardianship contract vary, but they usually boil down to the following responsibilities: We have a “you scratch my back, I scratch yours” approach for our Guardian Home program.
While we don`t pay our Guardian Home families to care for our dogs, we understand the critical role they play in growing our program. We do everything we can to help our Guardian Home families when they need it. A guardian or guardian family is a person or household that agrees to keep and care for a breeder`s dog. This is a formal contract that includes legal obligations, some of which may affect and limit your lifestyle. Failure on your part to comply with the agreement may result in the dog breeder taking back your beloved pet. Therefore, never enter into a guardianship contract without a guardianship lawyer to ensure that your agreement is fair and achievable in the long run. .

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